Friday, 17 January 2025

Vikki Love With Nuance - Sing, Dance, Rap, Romance 1985 WAV New Link 08/03/25

It's hard to think that albums like this are 35 years old and still haven't been reissued on CD, as their is plenty of bonus material that would make a nice expanded release.


colourzone said...

This is considered to be a FREESTYLE CLASSIC !
Nice Post Simon... Thanks for Sharing !

Simon John said...

Cheers Paul, it is not a bad example of the genre, and still looking for a few of those extended cuts and dubs.

colourzone said...

Played a couple of 12 inchers off of this excellent album to death in the mid 80's during my residency. STOP PLAYING ON ME and TAKE A CHANCE. Officially classified by many as FREESTYLE, a Genre that crossed over a few others like Electro,House, Dance and Pop.

Kosta said...

thanks for this nice lp and excellent wav rip

Manuel Cuevas said...

Hi Simon,

It looks like the download link for this file is no longer working. Whenever you have time, could you please update it?

Thanks for all your hard work—really appreciate it!