Saturday, 18 January 2025

Jamaica Girls - Rock The Beat 1982 12 Inch single in WAV New Link 08/03/25

1982 was a pretty damn near perfect year for music and this one was released in that year too.


the saucer people said...

I agree, 1982 was a damned fine year for music and this freestyle Electro-Dub-Reggae-Rap monster illustrates it perfectly - I'm not a musician but I still marvel at the way the track drops from an Electro pace into a Reggae rhythm and back again - it sounds like two BPM's at work, just genius!

So many great records from New York around this time with Arthur Russell, Peech Boys and Sleeping Bag Records soaking up so many influences and creating something completely new - I feel sorry for the younger generation who never had a '1982' to live through musically.

Simon John said...

Many thanks for the comment and maybe we might post some Peech Boys next, who knows what is in my bag of wonder?

Manuel Cuevas said...

Hi Simon,

It looks like the download link for this file is no longer working. Whenever you have time, could you please update it?

Thanks for all your hard work—really appreciate it!