Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Disconnection - Little Lady/More And More 1977 FLAC (New Link 08/03/25)

Some rather tasty Euro Cheese from 1977


VanceMan said...

Thanks so much for this one!

Jorge Gago (Melodiesmagic) said...

Thanks for sharing,in the 7'' single the track ''Little Lady'' it has the first 30 seconds the instrumental intro and the sound differs a bit,the B side is the same only that it is shorter.


Jorge Gago

Josecu said...

Please, Jackal

could you reup this MAXISINGLE?

Thank you for keeping the disco music alive!!

Manuel Cuevas said...

Hi Simon,

It looks like the download link for this file is no longer working. Whenever you have time, could you please update it?

Thanks for all your hard work—really appreciate it!