Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Jebadiah - Rock And Soul FLAC 1979 New Link 07/03/25

A Michael Zager Production from 1979 featuring cover versions of Rolling Stone classics.


Jorge Gago (Melodiesmagic) said...

👍 Thanks for sahre this one my friend 👌

Unknown said...

Thank you!

the saucer people said...

Spooky, I recently commented on the Four To The Floor album and how the Rolling Stones segued cover versions would be better done as separate tracks - exactly what this album does! Many thanks for sharing this - yet another rarity I didn't know existed!

Manuel Cuevas said...

Hey Simon, the link is down. If possible, could you re-upload it? Thanks for your time!

Manuel Cuevas said...

Thank you so much for reuploading this gem, Simon! Your hard work is truly appreciated