Friday, 9 June 2023

The Jackal's In Car Mix 002 2011/2021/2023 FLAC

I have 4 Mixes by The Jackal which he sent me in 2011 for me to play in my car. 

There was originally 5, but the DVD he sent me was corrupted so I only managed to get 4 of them off.

I have no track listing for this mix, you will just have to play it and enjoy what you hear.

I have tried to remaster the sound from the original files he sent me, unfortunately they are only as good as the source material.

We got two comments for the last In Car Mix, can we make it more?

We should also be seeing the second Barry White Mix by The Jackal sometime very soon.



AssEClark said...

The Jackal is a master, appreciated.

msanm said...

Thanks Simon I'm always up for a Jackel Mix :)

colourzone said...

This is great... Just one question...
Do I already have this ?
Just wandering...

Tchouley said...

I got the 5 mix too !

Simon John said...

@Tchouley if you have all 5 mixes then send me the missing one please.
Regards Simon John

Tchouley said...

Simon John i will send you ! by e-mail ?

Tchouley said...

Or a link here ?
Tell me !
The 5th mix is in WAV 1:10 long with the tracks list !

Tchouley said...

@ Simon John send me e-mail too.

Manuel Cuevas said...

Hi Simon,

It looks like the download link for this file is no longer working. Whenever you have time, could you please update it?

Thanks for all your hard work—really appreciate it!