Friday, 7 March 2025

Links Update

 It looks like someone has been through my complete blog from 2018 to now and testing if the links are still working.

He/She has then been making a request for me to upload them again, well they have been on the blog since 2018 so where have you been?

I will gradually upload links for all the posts but it will take me a long time, so my advice is not to be a cunt and put a request on every post, but maybe do a few a week.

You could put up some nice comments for all the post that do have a link, this would probably make me think that you are not as much of a parasite as I first thought, make sense?

Regards Simon your long suffering blog host, who does this out of the kindness of his heart.


Manuel Cuevas said...

Hi Simon,

I just wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks for all the incredible work you’ve put into your blog. I only recently discovered it, and as someone who loves disco and funk records, I’ve been absolutely blown away by the treasure trove of rips and resources you’ve shared over the years. It’s clear that you’ve poured so much time, effort, and passion into preserving and sharing this music, and I’m truly grateful for everything you’ve made available to your readers.

I completely understand that maintaining and updating links for such a vast archive of posts must be a monumental task, especially given the specialized nature of ripping and sharing vinyl records. I really appreciate your willingness to work on re-uploading them, and please don’t feel rushed—I’m happy to be patient and check back as you make progress. In the meantime, I’ll be sure to leave some positive comments on the posts I enjoy (which is most of them!) as a small way to show my appreciation for your efforts.

Thank you again for all that you do, Simon. It’s amazing to have found such a valuable resource for disco and funk enthusiasts, and I look forward to exploring more of your content and discovering music I might never have heard otherwise!

Jase said...

I came here to say what Manuel said. I am also a new convert to this blog. It's amazing and I thoroughly appreciate all the effort you put in.