Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Revelation - Feel It LP 1981 FLAC New Link 07/03/25

I would like to say a big 'Thank You' to my good friend Mr Colourzone who sent me this rip. So some nice comments would be great, and a complete miracle for this blog.


AssEClark said...

New to me, great restore. love in FLAC.
Great site, great posts.
Thanks Simon and Paul
Always appreciated.

artistonfire said...

Many Thanks! This is new to me, but I definitely - Feel It! Looking forward to listening to the rest! Much appreciated!

Aleksandr said...

Thank you very much for your great job and for fantastic disco music!!!

lover soul said...

Very nice never heard of this, sounds great
thanks for taking the time!

Manuel Cuevas said...

Hi Simon,

It looks like the download link for this file is no longer working. Whenever you have time, could you please update it?

Thanks for all your hard work—really appreciate it!