Monday, 24 December 2018

Discotheque - Discotheque Party 1979 WAV

Kick back and enjoy the party.

Over 1000 downloads and only 1 comment, you are all lazy parasites.

Monday, 8 October 2018

Ray Simpson - Tiger Love 1978 Expanded Edition in WAV

This is my rip and restoration of the one album Ray Simpson recorded in 1978 just before he joined the Village People.

I have included the 12 Inch versions of 'My Love Is Understandin' & 'Tiger Love'

Monday, 17 September 2018

Double Exposure - One Hundred Percent (Complete Anthology) Colourzone Limited Edition Box Set (New Link 17/09/18)

 The cream of Philly Soul.
One of the Major acts of the Philadelphia sound. 
tribute to this awesome band.


Please say Thank You to our good friend DJColourzone for this awesome Box set.

Today 17/09/18 we are finally bringing you a new link to this very limited time only post. You have until the end of October to get this compilation as it will never be posted again.

Monday, 23 July 2018

All links & account deleted by file server

It looks like Workupload has deleted not only all my files but my complete account, so all files on here are now dead. I have uploaded a new link for Bombers.

If their are any other posts you would like me to upload again please leave a comment in this post.

Regards Simon John.

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Atkins - Atkins 1982 in WAV

A rather tasty LP by The Atkins Family from 1982.
Ripped & Restored by Simon John.